Sunday, December 13, 2015

We're All Mad Here

Evaleigh hamming it up at Costco 
Last week I had the great privilege of attending my 10 year old niece, Evaleigh's performance at her school.  It was put on by the fifth and sixth graders and surprisingly not holiday themed but rather centered around sports and the fear and anxiety we all had at that young age when we were afraid no one would choose us for their teams.  They hit it out of the park - pun intended :).  As I watched each one of these little children with beautiful beaming smiles on their faces I wanted to hug each and every one of them for a job well done.  I was in the very last row and was not surprised to see the sea of technology capturing the stars on stage.  It was like the paparazzi had come to little old Arvada, Colorado.  How could I be begrudge these proud parents, grandparents, and family members like myself who came to support their little ones like I had?  It was the kid's moment to shine and I too would've gotten in on the action if I wasn't riveted by the impressive performance.

As I was sitting there watching them my mind began to wander thinking about my past performances
My crazy mom in her "safe room"
not only in school but in musical theater as well.  I played a munchkin in a San Jose production of The Wizard of Oz when I was in sixth grade. That experience was so amazing and helped me flourish as a young person.  It then occurred to me that my sweet Evaleigh is almost the same age as I was when I was in that production, no wonder she is such a little ham!  In fact, each of my family members are performers we aren't the shrinking violet types...nope!  Just a few weeks ago my mom demonstrated this when she stepped onto a padded elevator and stated, "Aaaahh, finally a padded room where I belong!"  I laughed so hard.  I love my mom.  In a way that's why I love each and every one of my family members because I think of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland who famously said , "We're all mad here".  I enjoy this flair for the drama that I possess because oddly enough, it keeps me sane.  Not according to Webster's definition, but just enough to keep me out of the hospital ;)

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, blast from the past! I think I might have been at one of your Wizard of Oz performances. I can picture just the tiniest snippet of a memory.

    Speaking of the Wizard...did you see The Wiz with Queen Latifah and Mary J? That was so much better than I expected. Lots of fun.
