Friday, October 30, 2015

I'm an Ant...I Mean Aunt

If you open up my heart you will see it belongs to my faith and my family.  That is my everything.  As a very young child I can remember my grandma teaching me to pray to los santos and the rosary.   My faith was my special relationship with my grandma.  I can't remember a time of not knowing that there is a God, my friend whom I could talk to.  She and my mom always told me to pray because Heavenly Father listens to the children.  Believe it or not, I can remember crying on my birthdays because I thought He wouldn't hear my prayers anymore.  One day my mom heard me and asked why I was crying and I told her then she told me we are all God's children.  I thought, well why didn't you tell me this before?!

Many years have passed and my sweet grandmother has been with Heavenly Father for many years now and I still treasure my relationship with God.  I don't have children of my own but I feel it is my obligation to pass down these traditions.  Not out of obligation, but because of the joy, comfort and guidance this relationship has brought to my life.  I can't tell you how much joy my nieces and nephews bring to my life and, oh, how I want the very best for them. 

Now I want you to know something, I'm the aunt that gets down and dirty with the kids...on the floor, or dirt, wherever, I'm never afraid to get dirty or embarrass myself.  In a way, that is why this illness has been difficult because my body won't let me do the things I used to.  About a year ago my 7 year old nephew Jesse asked me, "Tia, are you always going to be in bed?"  It broke my heart.

As I said before I do have a lot of nephews and nieces.  The oldest is 30 the youngest is 1 week (he is my great-nephew)!  It is so wonderful to look into a newborn's eyes and wonder what will this person accomplish?  What will this person witness in their lifetime?  Who's lives will they influence?  Who got goosebumps?  So exciting, right??!  That's what I see with each of my sweet nephews and nieces. Not to mention they are all so smart.  I heard a quote once from Sherri Dew that I say to my nieces, they will either end up ruling the world, or end up in prison!  Ah yes, it's a mighty fine line. :)

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