Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Longest Day

Ninja and I ready for class.  I had to make the experience as cheesy
possible.  Please note his bow tie collar and collegiate sweater! 
Today my dog, Ninja, had obedience school.  For some unknown reason I was so nervous.  I don't know if I thought they were going to say he was a spoiled, terrible dog and it was completely all my fault and they were going to take him away from me or he was Cujo incarnate. Either way, my anxiety affected my stomach and my nerves.  Poor Ninja sensed my nervousness and by the time we got there he wouldn't respond to any treats...but by end of the class he had passed everything with flying colors!  The best news was I hadn't caused permanent damage and he was not going to be taken away from me.  No dunce cap for me nor my dog. :)

Since I was out of the house and I can't drive right now,  I always use these opportunities to run errands for toiletries and groceries.  I made the most of this trip...Target, Costco, groceries including a prescription and of course the dog training.  I really am for the most part housebound and don't have the opportunity to get outside much!  As my mom drove us into the driveway I told her I'm so glad I was home because my back was seizing and she said it was a blessing that I was able to accomplish as much as I had.  That is so true.  Even if I'm down for the next few days I'm blessed that I'm able to get out of bed and be mobile because some people don't even have that.

  *** It is about six hours later and I'm not feeling as optimistic.  My legs and groin are screaming from pain.  I have medicated some but it really hasn't helped the pain nor has the Valium or sleeping pills!   When will I learn that I will pay the price if I go traipsing around town.  Oh right, I needed to do that stuff.  The funny thing too is that when I get out I feel like I'm finally free.  I ride the shopping carts down the aisle arms and legs extended like a butterfly taking flight! It's a thing of I've been told.

+++ Hallelujah, the concoction of meds finally kicked in and I got some rest!  The bad thing about the MMJ is that it helps the body pain but not my head.  It just relaxes me.  Right now my head, groin and whole back are hurting but I have no where to go.  My plan is to take a hot bath with Epsom salts with lavender and peppermint and do plenty of stretching.  I love the water.  I could live in there if I could.  I think I was a clown fish in another life...rimshot please!  The reason I like it is the complete weightlessness eases my pain.  I love that painting by Millais,  Ophelia because when I'm in the water I feel I'm in an almost ethereal place. Ophelia is in that place, between life and death and that's where I feel in the water; no pain just existence.  What an amazing feeling, so much so it brings tears to my eyes.

Ophelia by Sir John Everett Millais

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